Development Services
“Storage Authority” Development Services
Many franchisees want to take advantage of additional profits by building their own self storage vs. buying an existing self storage. This route also allows new franchisees to get started with less than half the typical cash capital investment. Development is a complex maze from finding the right parcel of land, banking, site design, building design, obtaining regulatory approvals, construction and pre-opening marketing preparations, with minefields, delays and cost overruns at every turn.
We have you covered with our proprietary
“Dynamic Ease Development Series”
Finding Land Through Pre-Opening Tasks.
This system along with our one on one expertise and guidance helps our franchisees get started faster, go around the minefields, save money and be ready to open with a modern premium facility ready to rent. Our Strategic Development systems consist of an integrated step by step process where our expertise provides guidance and support throughout the critical land discovery process and development phases.
On the surface many people believe finding land is a matter of the right size parcel, location permitted zoning and a good real estate agent. Nothing is further from the truth. While these items are very important if you do not understand and take into consideration a couple dozen more items like, shape, wetlands, easements, slopes, deed restrictions, available utilities, endangered species, competition, access, traffic, street view, neighborhood, due diligence, option times, banking, permitted lot coverage, required buffers & setbacks your “great parcel” could quickly turn in to a dud or even worse a disaster. Storage Authority's guidance is invaluable in finding and choosing land. Our guidance has also helped many of our franchisees to find land offline.
Often our development systems for any given subject like design, will consist of dozens of written guidelines and even multiple dozens more shared along the way to help you navigate swiftly through the maze and costly traps along the way so you get can get open faster.
Below is a simple outline of the Dynamic Ease Development Series:
“Dynamic Ease Development Series”
Finding Land Through Pre Opening Tasks
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Building Your High-Performance Team
First 30 Days
Development flow charts
Chapter 1 Worksheets
Storage Authority Competition Review.
Storage Authority Developer Secret Shop Review.
Storage Authority Partial Designer and Vendor List
Storage Authority Pro – Interfaces

Chapter 2 - Land
The Basics of a Good Location
Typical Basic Land Requirements
Hiring a Quality Broker to Assist You with Finding Land
Additional Ways to Find Land, including offline
Initial Land Review Prior to an Offer or Feasibility Study
Making the Offer & Due Diligence
Feasibility Study
Chapter 2 Worksheets
Example letter for contacting a land owner.
Questions for the first meeting with town
planner & staff. -
Individual land parcel info worksheet.
Site drive by worksheet.
Initial zoning review worksheet.
Land offer worksheet.
Chapter 3 - Purchasing an Existing Self-Storage Facility
Seven Primary Steps of a Real Estate Transaction.
Investigating an Existing Facility

Chapter 4 - Banking/Lending
Loan Options
Loan Considerations
Often Over Looked Expenses
Chapter 4 Worksheets
Loan request letter & worksheets

Chapter 5 - Design & Regulatory Approvals
Finding Design Consultants
Site Plan Design
Regulatory Meetings
Building Design
Security Design
Video Surveillance Design
Chapter 5 Worksheets
Additional Site Plan Design Items to Consider.
Additional Building Design Items to Consider.
Site Details

Chapter 6 - Bidding and Construction
Finding a Contractor
Construction Specifications & Bidding
Example of Typical Schedule of Payment Categories
Sample General Contractor Bid Addendum
Construction Review

It is an exciting time when the buildings go up!
Chapter 7 - Pre-Opening Preparations, Pre-Opening Checklist & Pre-Opening Marketing Checklist
120 Days Prior to Opening or Sooner
30-90 Days Prior to Opening or Sooner
Pre-Opening Marketing 30 – 120 days pre-opening or sooner
Post Opening Component Depreciation Study
Chapter 7 Worksheets:
Preopening checklist
Unit pricing worksheet
First office, site & product order.
Component Depreciation Contact Flyer
Preopening Sessions with your Franchise Director.
Initial Office & Site setup checklist

Let’s have a pile of reservations to call and a line ready to rent the day you open!
Of course, an outline cannot begin to do the program justice or explain the value of Storage Authority's experience and guidance. Marc Goodin, our founder, has learned self storage by being in the trenches and is ready to help you. He is a professional engineer who designed his first self storage over 30 years ago and many more since then, including 3 personal self storages he designed, built, owns and manages.
To learn more about the Storage Authority Dynamic Ease Development Series please give us a call or send us an email.