By Marc Goodin
A self storage owner has an incredible amount of things to do in the 6 months prior to opening to have a very successful grand opening and to be prepared to shatter the rent up estimate provided by the 3rd party feasibility study. One way to keep on track is to use a checklist and descriptions, examples, and how to's for each item in the checklist. We have 4 new facilities going to bid so we updating our pre opening checklist and sections in our manuals over the next couple of months.

Our current pre opening checklist below you a better understanding of the many things that need to be done by the owner before opening. If your not a storage Authority Franchise you will note that you will need to prepare many items/manuals vs using Storage Authority systems, manuals and platforms which makes it so much easier.
180 Days Before Opening (or Sooner)
_____ Review and use the Storage Authority Pre-Opening Marketing checklist
_____ Review and use the Storage Authority Pre-Opening Marketing plan
_____ Review Storage Authority Artwork Standards
_____ Start your Facebook page and regularly post your construction photos. Make sure it is a company page and not a personal page.
_____ Soon after Planning & Zoning approvals and you have purchased the property install a coming soon sign:
Typically: A 4’ x 8’ - ¼” corrugated white plastic sheet with red vinyl letters that is screwed on a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood. You need to check your local zoning as they may have certain requirements or even prohibit such signage. Sample minimum recommended sign details:
Coming Soon
Storage Authority identifier
Now Taking Reservations (This may be added in the future if opening is far off.)
Phone #
120 Days Before Opening (or sooner)
_____ Start a weekly pre opening review with your SA Operations Franchise Director
_____ Order Storage Authority® Website
_____ Review Managers Manual with Storage Authority
_____ Review Sales & Marketing Manual with Storage Authority
_____ Review hiring and training manuals
_____ Start pre-opening marketing checklist
_____ Re-read SA Operation Manual – print for use
_____ Obtain site address & phone number.
_____ Choose a renters Insurance/protection program/order - this must be done beofer your lease is prepared.
_____ Have lease prepared once type of tenant insurance is provided
_____ Order management program – see form
_____ Order office & gate signage
_____ Obtain Building & self-storage Insurance
_____ Set standard rates & grand opening rates
_____ Start advertising & Interview for managers and weekend manager
90 Days Before Opening (or sooner)
_____ Review & use Initial Office Setup Checklist
_____Order and set up Merchant Credit Card service
_____ Purchase office supplies & furniture see list
_____ Purchase maintenance supplies - see list
_____ Purchase self-storage merchandise
_____ Hire employees & start training and manager marketing
_____ Request sample chart of accounts
_____ Books/bookkeeper/CPA
_____ Payroll set up
_____ Office set up
60 Days Before Opening (or sooner)
_____ Continue Owners and Employee training with SA
_____ Standard rates & grand opening set in management program
_____ Post-opening marketing plan prepared. Use SA base plan
_____ Order slat wall hooks & baskets
45 Days Before Opening (or sooner)
Initial Office Purchasing Checklist
_____ Computer with Dual Monitors
_____ Cash register if you do not have built in desk drawer with cash tray.
_____ 2- color printers – one for backup – recommend long use ink printers like Epson EcoTank Series
_____ Microwave & misc. kitchen supplies
_____ 2 Wi-Fi Routers are required/ guest & secure for office computer to be PCI compliant for Credit cards
_____ Lamination Machine
_____ Return address stamp
_____ For deposit only, Account # xxx Stamp
_____ Paper/color paper/pads/envelopes/pens/highlighters/paper/paper clips, tape/staplers, folder clips and misc. small office supplies
_____ Hanging files, files, file tabs
_____ Label maker-Brother
_____ Clipboards (4 min)
_____ 1”, 2”, & 3” binders – 2 each min. with Numbered section dividers
_____ Mini Fridge
_____ Coffee maker
_____ Coffee supplies
_____ Beverages & water for clients
_____ 2 high counter stools for customers
_____ Office furniture
_____ File cabinets
_____ Wall Art
_____ Candy bowl & Candy
_____ Seasonal holiday supplies
_____ 2 -8 x11 plexiglass holders for desk signage
_____ plexiglass holders for 3.5 x 11 marketing rack card holders
_____ Business card holders
_____ Office calendar
_____ bulletin boards – if location available for various info
_____ Paper trays holders (i.e., for preprinted often used forms or holding locations until papers filed)
_____ One moving Flat Cart ordered for every climate control door
_____ SA Shirts for you & staff.
Initial Office and Facility Setup Checklist
_____ Manager Manual site specific sections completed
o Vendor contacts list
o Marketing Plan & budget
o Monthly marketing calendar
o Letters/Forms/ with your letterhead
_____ Manager Manual & Operations Manual printed & in binders and on computer
Desktop for easy reference.
_____ Storage Authority Manuals, forms, checklists etc. located on Storage Authority
Command Center studied.
_____ Scripts & rental process memorized – Role played over & over
_____ Sitelink basics learned – 20 plus practice rentals completed.
_____ Files set up per Operations Manual – Renters, Vendors, business, Marketing etc.
_____ CC reader & tablet for Sitelink
_____ Sitelink set up including:
o Lease and every letter, form & email printed and read for accuracy and readability. (Often typos and even names of other facility in letters
o All forms capable and set up for e-sign
o Late fee charges & notices timing confirmed
o Unit rented via cash test
o Unit rented via credit card test
o Tablet for e sign tested
o Products priced in Sitelink
o Show units made unavailable in Sitelink
_____ Website set up including:
o Proof for accuracy on all tabs, address, phone, spelling etc.
o API linked (Sitelink) to rent online, payments, show real time prices
o Pay per click account established with budget & campaign
_____ Kiosk set up including:
o API linked to open tech
o API linked to gate software
o Test with tech support multiple times for accuracy
o Kiosk ties in to VOIP Phone & Megan -Virtual assistant
_____ Office Computer with dual monitors on a swivel to turn to customers
_____ Office printer hooked up wirelessly to network
_____ WIFI Router (s) setup with one secure network and one guest network
_____ Office Furniture & Décor setup
_____ Flat screen(s) hung on wall behind counter and tested with cameras, slideshow
_____ Slat wall full of Storage Authority Locks
_____ Order self storage Products set up & all with prices clearly marked
_____ S/M/L boxes singles in box rack
_____ S/M/L boxes in 10 Packs on dolly
_____ Office products displayed, priced
_____ Lease (two-sided print) laminated on counter
_____ Client site/unit map laminated on counter
_____ No Late fee sign laminated on counter
_____ Guarantee Laminated on counter
_____ Lock on sale laminated – above locks
_____ Cheat sheet with site contact info & directions for phone calls
_____ Fridge stocked water & soda
_____ Coffee, Water or Soda on us laminated sign on fridge
_____ Business & Rack Card on counter
_____ Insurance info cards on the counter
_____ Price list & available unit list for managers use
_____ Insurance brochures on counter
_____ Why Climate Control Laminated
_____ Coffee machine, coffee & coffee supplies
_____ Oversized overflowing candy dish
_____ Restroom door signage
_____ 2 Manager rental clipboards with:
o Site map with show units highlighted with size noted
o Price list
o Available unit list
o Rack Card
____ Often used forms in paper form printed & available:
Lease, rules & all addendums.
Preopening Marketing & Sales Checklist
_____ Review Sales & Marketing with Storage Authority
_____ Review the SA Sales & Marketing Dynamic Ease Manual
_____ Prepare your monthly Marketing Calendar
_____ Prepare your 1-year Marketing Plan/expenses
_____ Open & use your company's Facebook page if not previously done
_____ Open & use your Instagram page if not previously done
_____ Open & use your Youtube if not done already.
_____ Open a Mailchimp newsletter account & add contact emails
_____ Prepare & send bimonthly construction newsletter
_____ Prepare & send "open" newsletter
_____ Prepare & send bimonthly newsletter
_____ Prepare your Google/FB pay-per-click program - PPC
_____ Order promotional handouts
_____ Order various marketing cards & rack cards
_____ Prepare grand opening specials
_____ Visit local businesses twice & hand out promo items, grand opening postcards & get emails
_____ Order marketing yard signs
_____ Prepare for Grand Opening Event, send postcards, promote on social media
It is a lot of work. But just imagine if you were not provided the baisics like marketing materials, yard sign slogans, gate signs, maketing and counter cards, newsletter format, intial product order manuals and so on ---- you would need to start a year in advance work full time to be ready to open.
If you want to have a 15-minute call to learn how Storage Authority helps insure the above items and more are accomplished at your facility and how we help you find land and get your facility built please send me an email or call me – no appointment needed: or 860-830-6764
Get more information on Storage Authority Franchise at
Marc Goodin is the President of Storage Authority Franchising. He owns 3 self-storages he designed, built, and manages. He has been helping others in the self-storage industry for over 25 years. He can be reached at or directly at 860-830-6764 to answer your franchising, development, marketing, sales, and operations questions. His best selling self storage books are available on Amazon.