This is a great question? If self storage is so good why isn’t everyone developing self storage? If being rich (vs poor) is a good idea why isn’t every one rich? For starters not everyone is prepared to do the work or take the risks either one would take. And for many they simple have other goals.

Here is a slide show from a recent presentation we did for a large franchise consulting group. It is clear most individuals will not build self storage on their own for one or two reasons. One they do not have the money required. (often $400K) or they do not know how to get past the Road Blocks and Minefields. But now for the first time the is a path to get past the Road Blocks and Minefields.

Where Else can you get help on all 4 main items it takes to get develop and operate you self storage Business?

Why not you? Why not now?

Ready to start your own Self Storage give us a call or get pre qualified by applying on line.
Marc Goodin 860-830-6764