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Civil Engineer design Proposal requirements

By Marc Goodin

As a civil engineer I have designed 1000's of site plans. And I have reviewed 100's of other engineers site plans. Great plans can save you a ton of money and poorly designed plans can cost hundreds of thousands.

In this day and age of mine fields, supply chain failures and new technology you must regularly update what is required in each design proposal and also a list design features that are required on your project for your self storage.

Here is a partial list of items to have your civil engineer include in their designs proposal: Alta Boundary Survey Topography Survey including frontage roadway, existing utilities, and wetlands. (includes Wetland field delineation & wetland report) Estimated time for completion of Boundary & Topography survey – final designs can’t start until this mapping is done Environmental habitat, endangered species check/review/mitigation. To be completed early in the due diligence period.

Site design plans include:

  • Progress Conceptual and progress plans for preliminary review with owner and Storage Authority.

  • Layout plan – include site & building signage – See Storage Authority Sign Manual

  • Grading plan – need foundation concrete lip detail & HC unit locations for grading

  • Utility plan – storm drainage, water, sewer, cameras

  • Erosion & Sedimentation control plans

  • Stormwater Detention & Water quality plans and reports

  • Landscaping plans (and irrigation plans if required)

  • Site lighting

  • Standard Site Details & notes.

  • Self-Storage Details – bollard & location detail, decorative steel fence, chain link fence, foundation lip detail, Gate details, enter exit keypad locations, Ac condenser pad locations, electrical transformer locations, flagpole, Vacuum, site & building signage, etc.

  • Regularly update the timetable for your list of regulatory plans, reports applications, and permits required. List of regulatory owners provided inspections, and testing required during construction or post-construction.

  • List of post-construction as-built, as-built reports required by the town, state or utility Agencies.

Various Sites design permits/applications/reviews/reports/meetings listed and included in the civil proposal including:

  • State Department of Transportation (DOT) plans and permits if require]

  • State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), reports & applications if required

  • Utility agencies plans, reports & applications

  • Various Regulatory application/reports and meetings

It's Important to have done a first blush concept plan before you present aN LOI or atleasst before the contract is signed. A meeting with the Town and your civil engineer early on with the plan can save weeks of delays.

Other site related items:

  • Soil borings/test and Geootech report for the buildings and detention basin.

  • Phase 1 environmental report

  • Traffic Study as required

  • Site work cuts and fill calculations.

It is important to be ready to prepare a Contract and obtain site design contracts when your LOI has been acepted so you are ready to move swiftly when the LOI is signed.

Have Questions? Give me a call 860-830-6764


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