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July 2019-How to get started in Self Storage – The Real Deal!

July 2019 Newsletter

Storage Authority® News

Congratulations to our newest Storage Authority franchisee owner Betty K of Florida. She just signed on board last week and has already hit the pavement running.   Betty is already doing recon and reviewing land parcels. In the next couple of weeks, she is meeting with Civil Engineers, Contractors, and Architects so her team will be in place when she makes an offer!

Betty K IMG_1332

It all starts with a decision.  The rest is easy. We have the road map ready to go for you


As part of our Dynamic Ease Self Storage Development Series, we help our franchisees around the development landmines, including finding land, designing, obtaining approvals, financing and building a premier self-storage facility.

Learn more at Or email or call Garrett Byrd (Garrett@StorageAuthority.comor Direct 941-928-1354)

How to get started in Self Storage – the real deal. 

Many of you are not ready to hear this but I know some are because they are purchasing Storage Authority Franchises.  Getting started it is not about a better understanding of self-storage.  Self-storage is a great opportunity that can provide an incredible lifestyle for you and your family.  It is about is it right for you.

Getting started in self Self-storage is not right for you if:

1) Your life is good and you do not have a reason to do more.

2) You do not have the cash capital ($450,000 min.) to get a bank loan

3) You are not part of the 3% out there ready to own their own business.  Let’s face it the majority of the population is risk-averse, just wants to relax after 5 and are not ready for the responsibilities of owning a business.

You can make a living 9 – 5 but fortunes are made after 5.

If one of the 3 items above have not stopped you it is a simple question.  Is there a big enough reason for you do more?   Have you written your reasons down on paper and put a time frame on it?

If you have written your reasons why there is just one more step:  Jump!  You can do it!

Storage Authority Vendor Updates

At Storage Authority we continue to increase our list of well-qualified self-storage Architects and Contractors.  If you need a reference we would be happy to help out.

We suggest new Franchise owners start by looking for land less than 45 minutes from their own home.  With the addition to the travel time overlay to the RadiusPlus program, we can see both the travel times and existing facility information on one map.  This makes looking for land easier.

With over 1.7 Billion square feet of self-storage, you can not afford to guestimate the feasibility of your site.  Radius should be your first step to check out the numbers.

Things we love to do besides self-storage.

GP and I love to visit with the grandkids!  Our motto is:  “Something to do, Someone to love and Something to look forward to makes for the perfect life.

What would you do with more time & money?

Whats holding you back?  You Can do it!  You deserve it!


          ARE YOU READY?

“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told.” — Alan Keightley.

This is the realization that fuels most people to follow their dreams relentlessly. Staying complacent never led anybody to greatness.

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Storage Authority 677 N Washington Blvd. Sarasota FL 34236 1-941-928-1354


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